
Mock tests are still on Sunday

Meet today’s top 5 legends:

1. Kholmirzaev Ruziboy: L-8.5(37) R-7.0(32)

2. Quzieva Munisa: L-8.0(35) R-6.5(27)

3. Uralov Siroj: L-7.5(33) R-7.0(32)

4. Egamberdiev Asilbek: L-7.5(34) R-6.5(28)

5. Gaybullaev Zafar: L-7.5(34) R-6.5(26)

Do come and check your Level with these mock test. We will welcome you all.

Kursga yoziling

Sinflarga yozilish yoki jamoamizning bir qismi bo'lishni xohlaysizmi?